Our Work Process

The RIIC Briefer

A brief overview of Regional Inclusive Innovation Centers (RIICs) - a DTI and DOST initiative with USAID STRIDE support.

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The RIIC Overview Presentation

An introductory presentation on the Regional Inclusive Innovation Centers (RIICs) developed by USAID STRIDE

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The Innovation Guidebook

This guidebook was developed to help Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) navigate the innovation landscape in the Regional Inclusive Innovation Centers (RIICs). It aims to promote innovation as integral in sustaining economic viability and competitiveness of MSMEs. Information used in this guidebook has been obtained from publicly accessed sites and information, or when applicable, have been provided by partner agencies and through the assistance of RIIC partners. This step-by-step guide gives readers an overview of the innovation process, identifying sample activities along with brief information on related government, academe and industry programs, projects, and innovation initiatives. Basic innovation concepts and tools are briefly explained to help MSMEs narrow down the type of innovation that matches their immediate needs. Through this handy guide, readers are encouraged to start an innovation project.

Coming Soon

Establishment of the Cagayan Valley Regional Inclusive Innovation Center (CVRIIC)

To enhance the innovation performance of the region by strengthening linkages among stakeholders and enabling collaborative endeavors that will contribute to inclusive economic growth.

  • Harmonize existing knowledge and innovation assets;
  • Formulate a more responsive and demand-driven research agenda;
  • Guide MSMEs in accessing and using innovation resources for business resiliency and competitiveness;
  • Streamline adoption of innovative technologies for improved production and post-production systems;
  • Create access points for innovation among GIA stakeholders.
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Regional Inclusive Innovation Center (RIIC) Region 2: Implementation Guide

A DTI-DOST initiative supported by USAID-STRIDE, the RIICs is one of the cornerstones of the Inclusive Filipinnovation and Entrepreneurship Roadmap. It is envisioned to contribute to strengthening the capacity for innovation to drive inclusive economic growth in the countryside. The RIIC is aligned with Cagayan Valley’s trust of realizing inclusive growth, a high-trust society, and a globally-competitiveeconomy.

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Our Innovation Database

Innovative regions have a strong and meaningful collaboration among the government agencies, industry players, enablers, innovators, and researchers. While our partners and clients are diverse, our goal in every engagement is the same. With highly transparent and collaborative approach, we are able to unify objectives to meet the needs of every constituent of the region’s economy.

HEI Researchers 100%
Higher Education Institutions 90%
Negosyo Centers 75%
Shared Service Facilities 55%
Resarch & Development Facilities 75%
Business Mentors 35%
Industries 85%

Our Core Partners

We are supported by dedicated technical working groups with a common goal, to share expertise and resources to meet the important needs of our region, providing guidance and ways forward.