The SHINE Cagayan Valley

SHINE Cagayan Valley will serve as a convergence mechanism aimed at strengthening the capacity for innovation across government, academia and industry for inclusive growth for Region 2. It is anchored on the citrus sector as its pilot industry, with the banana sector next in line for the replication of best practices and convergence models. As with pilot RIICs sites, it is implemented through the MLA approach—mapping players and capacities, strengthening linkages, and aligning with the needs of local industries.

Be One of Us Now!

SHINE is an Innovation centre created to provide access to the best R&D and innovation in the region and developed a regional network of experts to support entrepreneurs. If you are an entrepreneur seeking a strategic venture and collaboration or an expert seeking to advance a program, make connection with SHINE Cagayan Valley.

Our Vision

Be a critical platform for a network of government agencies, industry players, enablers, innovators, and researchers to share expertise and resources to meet the important needs of our region.

Our Mission

To provide the region’s MSMEs access to a network of R&D and innovation resources to become competitive entrepreneurs that provide employment and economic opportunities.

Our Goals and Objectives

  • To identify all economic workforce in the region for agencies, institutions, innovators, and researchers to be able to reach them out.
  • Consolidates the region’s innovation resources for the development of a unified innovation database that will give our local businesses a much-needed boost, technology transfer, product development, and mechanisms for sustainability.
  • Linking stakeholders through collaborative endeavor in advancing science, technology, engineering, and investments in the Philippines to initiate and enhance mutually beneficial goals.
  • To help streamline the adoption of technologies for improved production and post-production of local MSMEs.
  • To guide our MSMEs in accessing and using innovation resources for business resiliency and competitiveness.
  • Creating models of convergence, to be replicated across the industries and provinces.

Our Branding

SHINE stands for Sustaining Harvest through Innovation and Nurturing Enterprise. Will enhance innovation performance in the region and strengthen linkages among stakeholders and enable collaborative endeavours.

Our Innovation Database

Innovative regions have a strong and meaningful collaboration among the government agencies, industry players, enablers, innovators, and researchers. While our partners and clients are diverse, our goal in every engagement is the same. With highly transparent and collaborative approach, we are able to unify objectives to meet the needs of every constituent of the region’s economy.

HEI Researchers 100%
Higher Education Institutions 90%
Negosyo Centers 75%
Shared Service Facilities 55%
Resarch & Development Facilities 75%
Business Mentors 35%
Industries 85%

Our Core Partners

We are supported by dedicated technical working groups with a common goal, to share expertise and resources to meet the important needs of our region, providing guidance and ways forward